Testing (XUNIT)


[Fact] is used for a single test. The function can not contain data parameters


public void ReturnInitialisedCoordinates()
    var move = new Move(2, 2);
    Assert.Equal(2, move.X);
    Assert.Equal(2, move.Y);


[Theory] is used to pass through multiple data tests into a single test function

[InLineData(parameters)] is used to pass the data into the test function


public void ValidateCorrectInput(string input)
    var inputHandler = new UserInputHandler();
    bool valid = inputHandler.IsValid(input);

Another example which includes passing through a list

[InlineData(new object[] {new string[] {"1", "11"}})]
[InlineData(new object[] {new string[] {"11", "1"}})]
[InlineData(new object[] {new string[] {"12345", "09766", "12"}})]
public void DetrermineFalseConsistency3(string[] numbers)
    var checker = new Checker();
    var result = checker.CheckConsistency(numbers.ToList());



The asserts which I use regularly are:

  • Assert.Equal (expected, result)
  • Assert.True (boolean data)
  • Assert.False (boolean data)

Class Structure

At myob we create a new test class for each test we use in the actual code.

for example, if I was going to make a Player class, I would first make a test class called PlayerShould and write all the unit tests for the Player class. Each test in the test class would be named a feature that the player class should have.

Written on April 8, 2018