Tuples in C#

I used tuples to store coordinates on the board the first time I coded Tictactoe.


There are two ways to initialise tuples:

Tuple<int, int> t1 = new Tuple<int,int>(x,y);
Tuple<int, int> t2 = Tuple.Create(x,y);

I prefer to use Tuple.Create(x,y) because you don’t have to specify a type.

If you were to pass objects with a particular interface into a tuple than you would have to specify the type anyway.

for example: tuple = Tuple.Create<IAnimal>(new Dog()); so it would be the same as tuple = new Tuple<IAnimal>(new Dog())

accessing items

to access items in a tuple, you use tuplename.itemx

for example: the first item in a tuple would be accessed by tuplename.item1 and the 2nd item would be tuplename.item2

one of my coworkers told me theres a way to change the names of the accessors.

Written on April 8, 2018